Saturday, January 20, 2007

Same thing every day...

as you can gather from the hedding there is nothing new in my life...(>_<) same thing every day. i wake up in the afternoon, some times even later,watch tv, play some video games, try to figure out if there is some place i can go(face it! in amman there aren't much places to go if you don't have money!) watch tv some more, play video games some more, then go to sleep at 4 or 5 in the morning!!! that's roeteen for ya..but 2 days ago i read on my friends Tareq's blog that he have been promoted to a show room manager. i was very happy for him, really, because he diserve it..but that started me thinking: when will i have my brake also? will i ever be able to find the job i want? or any job?..

any way, on the same day my bro and i went to Carefore and bought a new TV.its a 29" JVC flat tv, him and i were very thrilled. finally we can enjoy playing video games with out the torement of the extended screen on our old TV.. hehehehe

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


yesterday was a mix of sadness and laughter..when i knew of the death of Tareq-san's best friend's death, i insisted that i attend the funeral. at 2 o'clockTareq phoned me and told me to meet him at Gardens ST. where we picked his friend, but before we could ove his friend insisted to go and have lunch first. we went to Hardie's and had lunch.on our way back, on the bridge in front of Safeway Shimasani, we had an accident.a car had suddenly stopped in the middle of the bridge, Tareq hit the brakes but the car kept sliding, and we hit the car. the cops came and we did the procidure but tareq's car wasn't in a traveling shape, so we had to take my car. during are way to Zarqawe talked alot and when we arrived there we didn't know where the Funarel was and we started asking people going here and there. we finally found it, we stayed there for about half an hour and we left.
the thing is, it was a bad day.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

life is life!

hello my friends, sorry for the long hang-up..during the past few weeks i didn't have time to post anything..partially because i didn't have anything intersting to post(^_^)...first; HAPPY EID & happy new year. i know it's a little late but but bare with parents came from saudi arabia so i didn't have much free time on my hands,you know(do this, do that) the usuall stuff..but as always things never end with a happy ending. i was promissed a job after the holidays, i went there on sunday, and began my work( for your knowledge it's a computer salesman, YAY.....!) i worked there during the day, before the end of my shift the sales manager came to me and told me that the company don'tneed any employees at this time! you could see my my was one of worst days i have ever been through. the only thing i was thinking about at that time was(why do these things happen to me? why is my luck like this?) i was soooo depressed..and now i'm on the waiting list wondering if i will ever get the job i want...