Sunday, September 07, 2008


In light of T-Sensei's Celebration of the one year anniversary for his triumphant return from Japan, i too will participate with a few pictures.

Good Times........................................(T_T)(T_T)(T_T)(T_T)...........................................Good Times


ukyou said...

Thanks Y san for these nice pictures. They brought back a lot of good memories. I really hope we can meet very soon in Jordan or Japan to make even nicer memories.

please Gnaber in yoru work. I check your blog daily and i am always looking forward to hear your advetures!

Yukikaze said...

domo arigatu senei, sashiburi da na

Anonymous said...

Everybody looks so happy in these photos!!

And you look so cute, yukikazesan....

Yukikaze said...

thanx kat-san, but do u know which one am i?

Delete Me said...

Konnichiwa! A fellow Tymoor-sensei student! Yoroshiku ^_^

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

Very nice pictures!! :)