Monday, November 13, 2006

A Good mood ended with a bad one!!!

all day i was in a good mood. i was singing, cleaned the shop(thats mandetorey),sold various things. but at 8 o'clock my boss came(this one is known for middling in everything) and started getting on my nerves.. why aren't storeg room clean(it was!), why's this item here? it shouldnt be here. all of these comments kept building inside untill i finally bursted. i gave him a piece of my mind. i asked him politly to stopp interfering with my work, he answered by asking: why are you so sensetive about this issue(meaning the storage room), i told him it wasn't about that, and he brushed the whole thing of.. i was furious for a few minutes but i calmed downand returned to being cheerfull.
mina san, i would appriciate your comments and advice on this stuation, so please advise me!!!


Anonymous said...

Get A Life

Unknown said...

Get A Life

Yukikaze said...

dear Tareq kisama, screw you, BAGA. i really needed an advise on this and as my friend you should have provided one, but still your the A** hole that you are.. Domo

ukyou said...

Well, any work environment is filled with frustrations...
I agree that you have to take stands once in while...
This is actually a sign of a healthy work environment.

I guess the best things is to filter out what you really have to worry about, and just ignore the rest.

Also apply the "Tooz" philosophy. It has its roots in Japanese Zen, but that is an issue for another day.

And don't worry about negative comments. It comes with the blogging territory.

In my case any comment is a good comment...

Yukikaze said...

domo sensei for your kind words, i will tresure them in my heartbut. but i expected better words from T san.