Thursday, May 24, 2007

new news i'm having some people at my house....we're going to have some argilah,and watch a movie together, plus maybe i'm going to kick somebody's ass today in winning eleven! somebody...o i know you know who he is!
tomorrow there's 75% possibelty of going to my friends farm in A'ssalt area(for you who don't know what is Assalt, it's a mountin area with nice climt). he has a swimming pool there, plus i think we're having a barbeque!!!!
i hope everything turns ok... i really want to go to the farm!!!!!


Anonymous said...

wow, good weekend plan!
I am happy to see your happy blog entry finally!
Take care of your health and hope you will enjoy it.

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

good days!! :D :D enjoy! ;)

Yukikaze said...

kat-san, thanx....kanji-chan, isashiburi da na , o ginki desu ka?
daijubu ka?
how's your project going...

Amani AbuQdais أماني أبوقديس said...

my graduation project is over! \(^o^)/ im now stuck with my final exams!(@_@)
ill post all these news soon! just wait till 3/6!(^o^)y